WWII — A Transitory Perspective

That Hankinson
2 min readAug 21, 2024


When did we lose sight of the effects of World War II?

Photo by Kiril Krsteski on Unsplash

I was talking to a long time friend. He talked about how during the pandemic he would go to the aquatic center with seniors and play volleyball in a pool and it was an hour of ‘hilarious laughter’. Two years later, he quit going there due to the bickering over whether the ball was in or not! This is when he revealed to me it was a beach ball. Ha! What a perfect illustration of how our perspective can change.

This is not a morality spiel, but rather a question of how our perspective changes as time moves on.

I was born just a dozen years after the war. My father served in Germany, I lived there for a short while.

As I grew up in the 60's, there was always that nuclear war fear. I can remember the drills, going down to the basement, seeing the civil engineering nuke signs as we walked down the hall.

Obviously, the world was different after the WWII. Can you imagine what life was like immediately after the war? The shock of over 80 millions lives lost? The loss of relatives, friends?

Photo by Rodrigo Rodriguez on Unsplash

Fast forward 50 years. We still have wars but nothing like WWII. I posit that a lot of the issues today show a complete forgetfulness of what is was like then.



That Hankinson

Enjoy reading. I know I would enjoy writing! How to get there…..