While you see a chance, take it…
Love that song by Steve Winwood. It sticks in my head a lot, even though I’ve probably not heard it in years.
I just went through a tough time at a job that was out of control and expected more than I was willing to give. There’s more to this but trying not to say too much there.
While I was looking for work, I could see what a crap shoot the whole process is. So much information, so much disinformation. If, in fact, I got an interview, I’d often make the last round of interviews and not be chosen, and not know why either. I’m pretty resilient though.
I created a spreadsheet in the hopes of learning from the patterns. Nah, crap shoot there, too.
Crap shoot. What a term. Is that to be our attitude in life?
I remember 30 years ago after a softball game, a teammate was sitting on the curb describing how he was going to start an IT educational company. I remember thinking, smart man, I’d never think to do that. Yes, he did it, and was very successful. Nothing crap shoot about that.
Or was it? He took tremendous risks, I am sure.
I read another article today about a writer who went through many fits of depressions due to arriving at a desired point and being miserable. At least she took risks and did not seem to be avoiding them. Wish her well.
I hope that if you think life is a crap shoot, that you are not avoiding taking risks! I believe part of life is taking risks and learning from them.
I am 18 and working at a warehouse. No intent to go to college. Nothing wrong with working at a warehouse. But I’d sit with these guys during breaks and lunch and heard nothing that made me want to stay on that path. The only reason I remember the owner’s name is due to their bitching about him.
So, off to college I go.
Later, I chose IT as a career after spending time looking a class catalogue at my school 40 years ago and thought that was a good direction to chose. Turned out to be a great decision but a bit random and a bit of a crap shoot.
All of this is to say, take chances! Please do not look back and regret not doing that. Do not be adverse to risk.
Now I see these content creators…
Find romance, fake it….