The Kid
A standout in my memory
There was a teenager at my church. Very outgoing, seemed to be smart. Claimed he wanted to be a Congressman some day. Honestly, a bit annoying and overeager.
He vandalized posters, trying to get people to be less apathetic with words he wrote on them. He did get in trouble for that.
More than once he ran into me from behind at a picnic. He’d collapse in a heap. So, I think he made it some sort of weird challenge.
His mom was going through a divorce. The dad hired an investigator. I saw him standing in a corner watching the crowd at church. I had no idea. I went over to introduce myself as a habit when I notice people by themselves. I found out later he testified in the court proceedings saying he was now a Christian and that he had seen she lived a clean life.
He’d be in his forty’s now. I often wonder how he turned out.
Have a great day.