Hut One Two Three Hut…
Are you forward facing?
I’ve noticed something about some people, am I doing this as well with some people? They never look you in the eye.
I just realized that I’ve been making observations about this and thinking a little deeper about it.
We are all going sideways in life. Trying to put this into words is so difficult. So I will ask?
Are you facing forward? Do you meet others looking right at them? Do you take opportunities facing them?
Conversely, if you look dead on at situations, you have more freedom to say no. That is, I am wondering out loud if we say Yes to some things but are already looking at it sideways.
Whenever you say Yes, mean it. Don’t take a Maybe, sideways attitude about it.
Turn your eyes to the goal. Focus directly at them.
Be aware of your machinations to deal with situations. Sharpen them.
Conversely, know that we all act out in certain ways. Do what you can to not be distracted by these actions and possibly get the actor to focus.
Be that direct but nice person with a set of focus goals.
Oh, I wish I could relay this better….