Ageing for an Amateur Athlete

That Hankinson
3 min readAug 1, 2024

From soccer to pickleball

Photo by Julien Rocheblave on Unsplash

Athleticism. I was never a good athlete. It was not an emphasis in my house. In fact, it was discouraged.

In my junior year in high school I for some random reason decided to go out for soccer.

First practice some guy said the guy in the blue shirt sucked. That was me, did he not know I was sitting there? Damn if I ever passed to him.

I literally had never played on a team.

I had some good moments. Was reasonably fast and the best player on the team liked my passes.

Then played on a rec team and made the local papers after the other keeper and I had collided to the point I decided and did score on him the third time.

I showed up for a tryout in college. Dumb me had a cigarette pack in my pocket, coach said a few things and I gathered that was not happening. I was working through college, what was I thinking?

But I started an intramural team that made it to the finals. The team did things together, which added to the fun. I honestly don’t remember much about the games except the final.

I found out later that the guy that started the club my son played on played at Georgia State at the same time.



That Hankinson

Enjoy reading. I know I would enjoy writing! How to get there…..