A Whimsy about trips to the store

That Hankinson
3 min readApr 22, 2024

A fun, silly, stupid read

Photo by Judy Beth Morris on Unsplash

I’ve been going to this same grocery store for 15 years. There have been times when I’d come back home and wonder what the heck is going on.

Had a man follow me into the parking lot and do that goofy signal like “I’m watching you”. He had tailgated me for 2 miles and followed me in the parking lot for several hundred yards. Was I supposed to pull over? Dumb.

I saw another person walk out of the store behind me rather fast. Thought nothing of it. I unloaded the cart and turned around to see her in an electric cart begging for money. I made sure to see her get in her car and sent a picture to the police. Of course nothing came of it.

I was telling a friend on the phone of the Little People show and how silly I thought the whole thing was. I leaned over to pick up my basket and lo, and behold, a little person was standing there with a smirk on his face. I could swear he was that actor. Embarrassing.

Attractive girl from my kid’s high school is doing selfies while in the line behind me. Really? I told my son, who thought that was bizarre.

Of course, during Covid, I am walking down an aisle and this women is GLARING at me. I had a mask on, what was her issue? Oh, wait, I was walking against the stupid arrow. Who cares?



That Hankinson

Enjoy reading. I know I would enjoy writing! How to get there…..